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Thoughts & Inspiration

On Wednesday of this past week, the leaders for our first launch of Ambassador participants arrived to do some training. It was also my birthday. Ambassador, in case you forgot, is the high school program that launches trips in the summer for two, three, or four weeks. This first launch we have teams traveling to Guatemala for two and four weeks, the Dominican Republic for two weeks, and Nepal for three weeks. Second launch they will head to Costa Rica for four weeks, El Salvador for two weeks, Guatemala for two weeks, Peru and Romania for three weeks, and Swaziland for four weeks.


We spent Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday preparing the leaders for their trips. Six out of the eight have led before which is a huge blessing. Experience really does help.


Almost 40 of the 90+ participants for this summer arrived on Friday for Registration and the beginning of their training camp. They’ve been on campus since then and depart early tomorrow morning. We’ve focused our teachings on Intimacy (with the Lord, but for this age we have narrowed it to Identity), Community, and Mission. The first teaching of the camp began with setting a biblical foundation for mission and God’s heart to see a people among all peoples know Him. 


I had the opportunity to teach on Creating Team Culture and to contribute to a teaching on evangelism by walking them through a useful tool. We are big into making sure a relationship has been established before talking with people about the Gospel.


We’ve done team building activities, teachings, worship, and team time and will repeat it all with the second launch beginning this upcoming Wednesday when the second launch leaders arrive.


It’s a busy time, but it’s honestly the best part of my job. It’s my Super Bowl, the time I get to see the fruit of my labor. There is still a bit of magic about the participants arriving. I know that doing my job is important, but it is remarkable to me that what I do on a screen and on the phone with either calls or texts results in participants and parents arriving to launch the Ambassadors on their international trips. Crazy. 


Having this be my second year in this role, I feel different, more prepared, and better able to be present with the participants while they’re at camp. Last year at this time, I was exhausted (thanks thyroid), and it’s both a relief and so fun to be able to show up as a fuller version of myself this year. Again, experience really does make a big difference. 


Ronny and I will be leading a trip in the second launch to El Salvador. Team Wilson, along with a co-leader and seven participants, will be headed to the capital, San Salvador, to partner with YWAM. We’re excited and expectant to see the Lord move.


All in all, I love this time of year. It’s crazy busy but so full. Many of the participants have an encounter with the Lord that they’ve never had before. Looking back on my own faith journey, my first mission trip to Mexico was when I really felt like I called my faith my own. I took ownership of it in a new way. I believe the Lord uses these trips to draw people closer to Himself. It’s a gift to be part of that process. 


If you’re looking for things to pray for, pray that they would have safe travels, that they would be open to what the Lord wants to do in and through them, and that He would be glorified through it all.


Much love,
