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Taking a Trip!

Hey everyone,


The Wilsons are headed to Houston on Friday to help lead a disaster relief trip for a week! The group we are leading is a combination of youth and adults and we are excited to see what the Lord has in store! This trip is coming at a rather busy time in our work lives because we are nearing the time trips close for sign-up along with all manner of financial deadlines. Our plan is to lead while also working some in Houston. Yes, we know this sounds like a lot to juggle which is why we are reaching out to you with some prayer requests:


1. That God would show up in big ways for us individually, as a couple, and especially for the group coming to serve. Ronny and I have very opposite giftings that compliment each other quite well. Since this is our first time leading together, please pray especially for us to both utilize our gifts and work together well.

2. That the logistics would go smoothly and there would be space to get lots of work done on the houses we will be serving at while we are in Houston.

3. That we would be able to juggle our various hats of AIM staff as well as project leaders and would ultimately be interruptile and open to what the Lord has for us, even if it’s not in the plan and schedule (pray that especially for me, Casey, because we all know I’m a structure girl and Ronny is the free spirit).

4. That there would be rest in the midst of the busy. 

5. That we would remember why we are there and who we serve: the Lord.


I’ve been reading through the book of John and this really struck me yesterday:


Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” -John 6:29


Two weekends ago, we trained both project leaders (those that lead Short-term trips) and Ambassador leaders (those who lead the high school trips), and I got the opportunity to speak on church planting. As I prepared to speak, that entire day I felt a deep sense of inadequacy. I normally do not get nervous to speak in public, but for some reason, I just did not feel qualified to speak on the subject. When I finally asked the Lord about it (why it took me until an hour before I spoke to ask Him, I still don’t know ha), He told me to share with all the leaders, pray over them against any feelings of inadequacy brought up by the training or that would be brought up on the field, and to release them from a sense of obligation. Ultimately, as leaders, it is not our job to make sure that God shows up or that the kingdom advances. It is our job to say yes to His invitation, invite those we are leading into it, and let Him do the work He has planned.

This brings me back to the verse. The work we need to do is to believe in Jesus and the rest (both figurately and literally) will fall into place. So simple. I pray that Ronny and I both remember this on a deep level as we go into Houston and that you would remember that in whatever you’re facing this week.

Thanks for following along on our journey!